Nate Snyder for congress pledge

My Pledge to the People of Florida's 14th District

First and foremost, I am not joining Congress to enrich myself.

As your Congressional Representative, I pledge to:

Not trade on any stock platform.

Not engage in pay-for-play schemes.

Not create financial freedom on the backs and sweat of my fellow Americans. 

America succeeding after four disastrous years of Bidenomics and Americans gaining financial easement is a pillar of my campaign. 

I will work tirelessly to implement these policies listed below and unapologetically put Americans first

Our Policies

Economic Stance

Limited government intervention in the economy.

Free markets and free enterprise.

Protection of individual rights and liberties.

I. Economic Goals

Encourage economic growth and job creation.

Reduce government spending and the national debt.

Simplify the tax code and reduce tax burdens.

Promote fair and free trade.

II. Tax Reform


Implement a simplified tax code that reduces the complexity and compliance costs for businesses and individuals.

Reduction of Corporate Tax Rates

Lower the corporate tax rate to make the U.S. more competitive in the global market and encourage domestic investment.

Elimination of Loopholes

Eliminate tax loopholes and special interest deductions to create a level playing field for all businesses and individuals.

III. Regulatory Reform

Review and Repeal of Burdensome Regulations

Review existing regulations and repeal those that are overly burdensome or unnecessary, which would reduce the cost of doing business and promote innovation.

Streamlining of Regulatory Processes

Streamline the regulatory approval process to reduce the time and cost associated with bringing new products and services to market.

Promotion of Innovation

Foster a regulatory environment that encourages innovation and entrepreneurship.

Encourage economic growth and job creation.

Reduce government spending and the national debt.

Simplify the tax code and reduce tax burdens.

Promote fair and free trade.

IV. Spending Reform

Reduction of Government Spending

Implement spending cuts and reforms to reduce the size and scope of the federal government, with a focus on eliminating waste and duplicative programs.

Prioritization of Essential Programs

Prioritize spending on essential programs and services that support the health, safety, and well-being of the American people.

Elimination of Waste and Fraud

Eliminate waste and fraud in government programs to ensure taxpayer dollars are used effectively and efficiently.

V. Trade and Foreign Policy

Promotion of Free and Fair Trade

Implement spending cuts and reforms to reduce the size and scope of the federal government, with a focus on eliminating waste and duplicative programs.

Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

Ensure strong protections for intellectual property rights to encourage innovation and investment in new ideas and technologies.

Strengthening of National Security

Prioritize national security in trade and foreign policy decisions to protect the interests of the American people.

VI. Monetary Policy

Stable and Predictable Monetary Policy

Maintain a stable and predictable monetary policy to promote confidence in the U.S. economy and support long-term growth.

Promotion of Price Stability

Ensure price stability to preserve the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar and maintain confidence in the currency.

Protection of the U.S. Dollar

Preserve the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency to maintain its value and stability.

National Security Stance

Protection of American sovereignty and interests.

Respect for individual rights and liberties.

Promotion of global stability and security

I. Border Security

Secure Borders

Strengthen border security to prevent illegal immigration, human trafficking, and the smuggling of drugs and weapons.

Immigration Enforcement

Enforce immigration laws to ensure that only those who follow the legal process are allowed to enter and remain in the United States.

II. Military and Defense

Strong National Defense

Maintain a strong and modern military to deter and respond to threats against the United States and its allies.

Efficient Use of Resources

Prioritize defense spending to ensure the military is well-equipped and trained, while avoiding wasteful spending and ensuring taxpayer dollars are used effectively.

III. Intelligence and Cybersecurity

Robust Intelligence Gathering

Utilize advanced intelligence gathering techniques to identify and prevent threats to the United States, while respecting the privacy and civil liberties of its citizens.


Invest in cybersecurity measures to protect critical infrastructure, government networks, and private sector systems from cyber threats.

IV.  Alliances and Diplomacy

Strong Alliances

Maintain and strengthen strategic alliances with like-minded countries to promote global stability and security.

 Effective Diplomacy

Engage in diplomatic efforts to resolve conflicts and promote peace, while prioritizing the interests of the United States and its citizens.

Energy Independence Stance

Energy independence and security.

Free-market competition.

Limited government intervention.

I. Energy Independence and Security

Domestic Energy Production

Encourage domestic production of oil, natural gas, and other energy resources to reduce dependence on foreign sources and strengthen national security.

Energy Infrastructure

Invest in energy infrastructure, such as pipelines, power grids, and storage facilities, to ensure reliable and efficient delivery of energy to consumers

Energy Efficiency

Promote energy efficiency through voluntary programs and incentives, rather than government mandates or regulations.

II. Free-Market Competition

Elimination of Subsidies and Regulations

Remove subsidies and regulations that distort energy markets and create barriers to entry for new competitors.

Market-Based Solutions

Allow the market to determine the most efficient and cost-effective energy sources and technologies, without government interference.

Transparency and Consumer Choice

Provide consumers with transparent information about energy sources and costs, and empower them to make informed decisions about their energy consumption.

III. Limited Government Intervention

Reduction of Government Involvement

Limit the role of the federal government in the energy sector, allowing states and local communities to make decisions about energy development and use.

Protection of Property Rights

Ensure that property rights are respected and protected, including the rights of landowners to develop and use their resources as they see fit.

Environmental Protection

Utilize market-based incentives and voluntary programs to protect the environment, rather than relying on heavy-handed government regulations.

Education Stance

Respect for local control and decision-making.

Promotion of educational choice and competition.

Limited federal involvement in education.

I.  Decentralization of Education

Elimination of Federal Education Department

Abolish the federal Department of Education and devolve its functions to the state and local levels.

State and Local Control

Allow states and local communities to make decisions about curriculum, standards, and funding, based on the needs and priorities of their students and families.

II. School Choice

Support for Charter Schools

Encourage the growth of charter schools, which provide an alternative to traditional public schools and promote competition and innovation in the education system.

Tax Credits and Scholarships

Provide tax credits and scholarships for families to choose the best educational options for their children, including private and religious schools.

Homeschooling Support

Support homeschooling families by providing resources and removing unnecessary regulations that impede their ability to educate their children.

III. Curriculum and Standards

Local Control

Allow states and local communities to develop and implement their own curriculum and standards, based on the needs and values of their communities.

Parental Involvement

Encourage parental involvement in the education of their children, including the right to review and provide input on curriculum and instructional materials.